The story behind the label is just as significant as the designs themselves.

Why Lekka? Because of my extraordinary relationship with pace. In this era of exceptional connectivity, we are also experiencing profound isolation. We may grasp the essence of others, but there is a genuine need for connection. Superficial admiration often hides underlying jealousies. Our constant pursuit of greater productivity and performance has overshadowed the quality of our interpersonal relationships, and sincerity and humanity have become rare commodities. I'm enthusiastic about bringing people together under the soft glow of lights, encouraging them to pause and seek warmth. I wanted to slow down and work with my hands in ways other than printmaking while incorporating the language of repetition and texture variations. That's why I created Lekka, as it serves as my exercise in living slowly.

Who am I? I am a visual artist with a background in printmaking. I have been teaching printmaking as a full-time professor of art for the past 12 years, and I sincerely enjoy it. Lekka is an extension of my visual practice. I am originally from Knurow, Poland, but I am currently based in Pittsburgh, PA, after moving to the United States to pursue my MFA in printmaking.

What inspires me? Anything that induces a feeling of calm, anything that quietly exists, being beautiful without shouting, just allowing you to notice it. Nature masters this: landscapes, sunlight, shadows, delicate soft hues, gently curving forms.

How would I describe my designs? My work is sculptural and functional. I am ultimately driven by a desire to create lights that evoke emotion, and I view each design as an extension of myself as an artist.

What is Lekka's ethos? As a  new and idealistic creator, I firmly believe that it's not naive to want to be better, to do things in a new way, or... even an old way?.